バイブレータを鳴動させる機能は.NET Compact Frameworkではサポートされていませんので、WIN32APIをP/Invokeで使用する必要があります。
まずは使用する構造体とネイティブ コードを呼び出す為の定義を行います。
' NLED_COUNT_INFO 構造体はLEDの個数を表します。 Public Structure NLED_COUNT_INFO Public cLeds As Integer End Structure ' NLED_SETTINGS_INFO 構造体はLEDの設定情報を表します。 Public Structure NLED_SETTINGS_INFO Public LedNum As UInt16 Public OffOnBlink As Integer Public TotalCycleTime As Long Public OnTime As Long Public OffTime As Long Public MetaCycleOn As Integer Public MetaCycleOff As Integer End Structure ' NLED_SUPPORTS_INFO 構造体はLEDのサポート情報を表します。 Public Structure NLED_SUPPORTS_INFO Public LedNum As UInt16 Public lCycleAdjust As Long Public fAdjustTotalCycleTime As Boolean Public fAdjustOnTime As Boolean Public fAdjustOffTime As Boolean Public fMetaCycleOn As Boolean Public fMetaCycleOff As Boolean End Structure ' NLedGetDeviceInfo で取得する情報種別ID Const NLED_COUNT_INFO_ID As Integer = 0 Const NLED_SUPPORTS_INFO_ID As Integer = 1 Const NLED_SETTINGS_INFO_ID As Integer = 2 ' LEDへ情報を設定します <DllImport("coredll.dll")> _ Private Shared Function NLedSetDevice( _ ByVal nDeviceId As Integer, _ ByRef pInput As NLED_SETTINGS_INFO) As Boolean End Function ' LEDドライバの情報を取得します <DllImport("coredll.dll")> _ Private Shared Function NLedGetDeviceInfo( _ ByVal nDeviceId As Integer, _ ByRef pOutput As NLED_COUNT_INFO) As Boolean End Function <DllImport("coredll.dll")> _ Private Shared Function NLedGetDeviceInfo( _ ByVal nDeviceId As Integer, _ ByRef pOutput As NLED_SUPPORTS_INFO) As Boolean End Function
// NLED_COUNT_INFO 構造体はLEDの個数を表します。 public struct NLED_COUNT_INFO { public int cLeds; } // NLED_SETTINGS_INFO 構造体はLEDの設定情報を表します。 public struct NLED_SETTINGS_INFO { public UInt16 LedNum; public int OffOnBlink; public long TotalCycleTime; public long OnTime; public long OffTime; public int MetaCycleOn; public int MetaCycleOff; } // NLED_SUPPORTS_INFO 構造体はLEDのサポート情報を表します。 public struct NLED_SUPPORTS_INFO { public UInt16 LedNum; public long lCycleAdjust; public bool fAdjustTotalCycleTime; public bool fAdjustOnTime; public bool fAdjustOffTime; public bool fMetaCycleOn; public bool fMetaCycleOff; } // NLedGetDeviceInfo で取得する情報種別ID const int NLED_COUNT_INFO_ID = 0; const int NLED_SUPPORTS_INFO_ID = 1; const int NLED_SETTINGS_INFO_ID = 2; // LEDへ情報を設定します [DllImport("coredll.dll")] private static extern bool NLedSetDevice(int nDeviceId, ref NLED_SETTINGS_INFO pInput); // LEDドライバの情報を取得します [DllImport("coredll.dll")] private static extern bool NLedGetDeviceInfo(int nDeviceId, ref NLED_COUNT_INFO pOutput); [DllImport("coredll.dll")] private static extern bool NLedGetDeviceInfo(int nDeviceId, ref NLED_SUPPORTS_INFO pOutput);
' LEDの個数を取得する Private Function GetLedCount() As Integer Dim ledCount As Integer = 0 ' LEDの個数を取得する Dim nci As NLED_COUNT_INFO If (NLedGetDeviceInfo(NLED_COUNT_INFO_ID, nci)) Then ledCount = nci.cLeds End If Return ledCount End Function ' VibratorLEDのIDを取得する Private Function GetVibratorLedID() As Integer Dim vibratorLedID As Integer = -1 Dim ledCount As Integer = GetLedCount() For id As Integer = 0 To ledCount - 1 Dim nsi As NLED_SUPPORTS_INFO nsi.LedNum = id ' サポート情報を取得する NLedGetDeviceInfo(NLED_SUPPORTS_INFO_ID, nsi) If (nsi.lCycleAdjust = -1) Then vibratorLedID = id Exit For End If Next id Return vibratorLedID End Function
// LEDの個数を取得する private int GetLedCount() { int ledCount = 0; // LEDの個数を取得する NLED_COUNT_INFO nci = default(NLED_COUNT_INFO); if (NLedGetDeviceInfo(NLED_COUNT_INFO_ID, nci)) { ledCount = nci.cLeds; } return ledCount; } // VibratorLEDのIDを取得する private int GetVibratorLedID() { int vibratorLedID = -1; int ledCount = GetLedCount(); for (int id = 0; id <= ledCount - 1; id++) { NLED_SUPPORTS_INFO nsi = default(NLED_SUPPORTS_INFO); nsi.LedNum = id; // サポート情報を取得する NLedGetDeviceInfo(NLED_SUPPORTS_INFO_ID, nsi); if (nsi.lCycleAdjust == -1) { vibratorLedID = id; break; // TODO: might not be correct. Was : Exit For } } return vibratorLedID; }
' LED情報の設定を行う Private Sub SetLedStatus(ByVal ledID As Integer, ByVal isStatus As Boolean) Dim count As Integer = GetLedCount() If ((ledID < 0) AndAlso (count <= ledID)) Then Return End If Dim offOnBlink As Integer = 0 If (isStatus) Then offOnBlink = 1 End If Dim settings As NLED_SETTINGS_INFO settings.LedNum = ledID settings.OffOnBlink = offOnBlink NLedSetDevice(NLED_SETTINGS_INFO_ID, settings) End Sub ' バイブレータLEDのIDを取得する Private Sub Vibrate(ByVal milliSecondsTimeout As Integer) Dim vibratorLedID As Integer = GetVibratorLedID() ' バイブレータLEDが存在していなければ何もしない If (vibratorLedID < 0) Then Return End If SetLedStatus(vibratorLedID, True) System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(milliSecondsTimeout) SetLedStatus(vibratorLedID, False) End Sub
// LED情報の設定を行う private void SetLedStatus(int ledID, bool isStatus) { int count = GetLedCount(); if ((ledID < 0) && (count <= ledID)) { return; } int offOnBlink = 0; if (isStatus) { offOnBlink = 1; } NLED_SETTINGS_INFO settings = default(NLED_SETTINGS_INFO); settings.LedNum = ledID; settings.OffOnBlink = offOnBlink; NLedSetDevice(NLED_SETTINGS_INFO_ID, settings); } // バイブレータLEDのIDを取得する private void Vibrate(int milliSecondsTimeout) { int vibratorLedID = GetVibratorLedID(); // バイブレータLEDが存在していなければ何もしない if (vibratorLedID < 0) { return; } SetLedStatus(vibratorLedID, true); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(milliSecondsTimeout); SetLedStatus(vibratorLedID, false); }
Windows Mobile(.NET Compact Framework)を使ってアプリ開発する際に逆引きとしてお使いください。